Controlled Surrender Page 6
He released my lips. “Lay in the middle of the bed and don’t move.”
I frowned. “What about your pants?”
He chuckled, nipping my jaw. “If you touch them, I’m liable to come like a virgin before I even enter the palace.”
I snickered. “The palace?”
He slid one hand down me, gliding his fingers through my folds. “The palace,” he stated.
I shivered as liquid heat flooded my pussy. My nipples pinched tight as my breasts swelled in anticipation.
He lightly tapped my ass before turning me to the side and sending me off.
My body thrummed with awareness as I climbed onto the bed. I lay in the center of the bed on my back. I tucked my hands beneath me to keep from fidgeting.
He came around to the side of the bed. “Watch.”
I observed as he slid out of his pants. He had no boxers on beneath. My heart thundered at the sight of him. He was gorgeous, the epitome of masculinity. He was hard with sharp angles, clear-cut lines and beauty. His cock was a large, thick shaft that curved up towards his stomach. A wave of fear washed through me. He looked too large, like he wouldn’t fit.
“This is what you do to me, and I assure you, my wolf has no leverage over my cock.” He pumped his dick a few times before he climbed onto the bed with me. He leveraged himself over me. “I’m not going to chain you, but if I have to, I will. You have two rules to follow. The first is to obey every command I give you. The second is to never close your eyes to me. Understood?”
I nodded my head in agreement.
“Good,” he roared.
His lips crashed into mine as his hands molded to my breasts. It was a rush of feeling, of touch that I wasn’t expecting. His mouth caught my moan as he flipped his thumbs over my nipples, teasing them, sending jolts of pleasure through me.
I gripped his biceps as he massaged my breasts, passing over my tight peaks in unsteady, unpredictable intervals that awoke every part of me. I whimpered, my wolf making a long over-due return towards my surface as Jayson slid his cock along my slick folds. Sensations wracked my body as he continued to keep me guessing.
My body was bundling tighter as my need magnified with each passing second. He kept me on the edge, never allowing me to get too close. He kept me hovering, longing. He kept me in the painful pleasure zone that had my frustration multiplying by the second. I compressed my muscles, leaning into his moves, fidgeting beneath his to no avail.
He teased my mouth, gliding his tongue over the inside of my lips. His fingers continued to tweak my nipples as his cock tormented my pussy. I was trapped beneath him, stuck going at his pace. My need was too intense though. Feeling exasperated, I bit his bottom lip.
He jerked back. He passed his tongue over his bottom lip. He wasn’t bleeding, but he was irritated.
He moved off the bed. I was instantly cold, instantly lonely. My body shuttered as phantom pleasure crackled through me despite his absence.
He opened one the chest drawers, grabbed something and returned to me. “Sit up.”
Unease overrode my desire as I complied with his command. I crossed my legs Indian style.
“Open your mouth.”
I jumped as he stuffed a ball inside before sliding the elastic lanyard connected to it over my head. It fit snugly in my mouth, the band compressing to my head. I swallowed hard, discomfort knotting my stomach.
I ran my fingers along the string, frowning.
“You do anything to mess with it, and I’ll bind your hands.”
My heart pounded in my chest. Trust, I reminded myself. Trust was what every relationship was built on.
I brought my hands together in my lap and sat perfectly still.
Jayson crossed his arms over his chest. He stood beside the bed and observed me. I counted to two-hundred seventy-three before he moved. He sat down on the bed in front of me.
“I need you to understand why I did what I did. You can bite me. Hell, I’m open to just about anything. But I won’t be rushed. There’s nothing you can do that will change my pace. It’s my job to take care of you, and that means in every way, but especially physically. Do you understand?”
Damn him for sounding so calm, cool and collected. Damn him for being extremely reasonable and equally irritating.
I nodded my head, acknowledging that I understood nonetheless.
He removed the gag, peppering my jaw with kisses as he slid it over my head and tossed it away.
“For the love of all things holy, please behave. I don’t think I can take much more,” he pleaded in a growl. He nipped my chin.
I couldn’t help but smile. It was nice to know that I wasn’t the only one suffering.
Chapter 16
Fuck me, I was so goddamn close to spilling my seed it wasn’t even funny. Seeing her obey, watching her surrender pushed me to the edge. I wanted to throw her back against the bed and plunge into her, but I couldn’t. Damn my control for getting in the way at times. I knew I had to lay down the law from the beginning. I didn’t want to have to fight her over her own pleasure. She would be far happier if she let me take the lead.
I kissed her lips, not lingering. I shimmied down her body, kissing every swell, every dimple, every divot along the way. She clenched her fists at her side. I smiled, pleased with her efforts to keep from fidgeting when I knew she wanted to.
“Don’t move,” I commanded.
Her expression was adorable, a mix of excitement and apprehension. It reminded me of an eager pup who wanted to, but was worried about doing it.
I kissed the inside of her thighs before I focused on her pussy. She held her breath as I slid my arms around her hips. Shifting, my cock slid along the comforter enough to have me teetering over the edge. Fuck! I needed to get her primed and ready.
Without delay, I thrust my tongue inside her. I twirled it within her channel, caressing her sensitive inner flesh.
“Oh, fuck!” she cried.
I chuckled at her language. I’d never heard her curse.
She fisted the sheets as I glided my tongue up and around her clit.
I completed the same irritably steady loop. I shoved my tongue inside her, curling it, pressing all around her inner channel before I moved up and around her tight bud.
I watched her closely, waiting for her to react.
I studied her, never ceasing my teasing path, as her face scrunched. It took another round before she bit her bottom lip. It was three more laps before her breathing became erratically labored. Another four times around the trail and she began whimpering, her stomach muscles clamping down even as her soft belly fluttered with every fitful breath.
I traced the same circle once more before I sucked her clit into my mouth and rubbed my tongue against it. She flew. She cried out, her mouth forming the perfect ‘o’ as her body splintered beneath me. Her limbs trembled, her pussy fluttered as her climax washed through her.
Before I could second-guess myself, I pounced. I plunged my cock deep inside her, groaning as pre-come burst from the tip the moment I pushed past her boned wall. Her inner walls compressed tightly around my prick, damn near squeezing him into sudden surrender. In the distance, I heard her shriek.
I snapped my attention to her. Her face was contorted in pain. Damn it. I thought it would be less painful if I didn’t draw things out, if I jumped in at the height of her pleasure that the pain would be somewhat tolerable.
I kissed the creases in her twisted features. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I promise it only gets better from here, okay?”
She barely nodded her head in acknowledgement.
“You want to bite me?” I asked, hoping to distract her.
I received a fraction of a smile before she shook her head ‘no.’
“I’m going to move. Stop me if it hurts too much, okay?”
She, again, barely nodded her head in agreement.
My wolf surprised me by tapping on my surface. He’d snuck up on me while I was lost in he
I concentrated on her. Her pussy was gripping my cock like a fucking vise. I’d never felt anything so exquisite before.
Carefully, I slid my cock through her tight folds. The moment she winced, I paused.
Sweat dotted my brow as I held deathly still inside her. God, I wanted to pump hard and fast into her sweet pussy, but I could never hurt her like that. Her needs and wants would always come before my own.
My muscles quivered as I held myself over her.
I brushed a stray hair off her face. I kissed her forehead and cheek.
She swallowed hard. “You can move.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
I gave her a few more seconds before I rocked gently back and forth within that same inch of channel, trying to help her adjust to me.
She bit her lip, digging her nails into my biceps. “I’m not trying to tell you what to do, but-“ She took an erratic breath.
“Tell me, sweetie.”
“Slow is so much worse!”
I froze. My groin contracted, my body longing for permission to let go. “I don’t want to hurt you any more than I already have.”
She met my gaze, the plea visible in her eyes before she even spoke it. “Please go fast, Jayson. Please make the pain go away quicker. Make me feel good.”
My chest constricted. “It’s going to hurt a bit more before it gets better, but I promise, I’ll make you feel good.” I made sure I said it with conviction.
The trust in her eyes was the final straw. I surged forward, hitting her cervix before pulling to the hilt and lunging back in. She screamed, tears shining in her eyes. Had it not have been for the determined set of her features, I would have stopped altogether.
I moved in and out of her, my dick passing easier and easier through her taut channel. I loved the feel of her beneath me, around me. But I wanted her to love my touch equally.
“Listen to me, Laina.” She focused on me. “Roll your nipples between your fingers.” I passed my hand over her breast, showing her. “Like that.”
Hesitantly, she slid her hands over her breasts. Shit. Maybe that was a bad idea. Goddamn. She was even sexier doing that little move. My wolf growled his approval near the surface. He’d been quietly biding his time, waiting for the right moment to pounce.
Fuck. I needed to get her off so I could mark her.
She obediently tweaked her tight peaks. I watched as her expression relaxed, the pain gradually slipping away.
I shifted my weight to one arm and slid my hand down between us, over her lush curves and down to her jewel. I slipped my thumb through her lips, seeking her bundle of nerves. I knew the second I’d found the right spot when she gasped, a tiny moan escaping on her exhale.
Thank you!
I wrapped my arm around her, beneath her back and back around to hold her beautiful, wide hips. I kept my thumb moving over her clit, but the new position of my other arm gave me the leverage I needed to drive into her in short, quick bursts.
Pleasure shot through my core as heat rushed through my veins. I pumped into her in rapid succession, losing myself in the feel of her, the scent of her, the sound of her and the vision of her. God, she was beautiful. Her back was arched perfectly over my arm, her hands were plucking her taut nipples as she cried out, squirming to meet my thrusts.
Intimate pleasure tightened my chest, drawing me back physically for a moment. The way she gave herself up to me was awe-inspiring. She was so strong, so brave.
I captured her lips, likewise catching her moans. “You feel so fucking amazing.” I kissed her hard. “You’re so beautiful.” I trailed my mouth along her jaw and back to her lips. “I love you.”
Chapter 17
His gentleness was humbling. He’d been so careful with me; he treated me like a priceless valuable, like I was worth treasuring.
He feathered me with compliments between brushes of his lips, but I was too overwhelmed with sensations to truly appreciate them. Pleasure shot from every part of me; tingles of erotic bliss shook every nerve.
He trailed his mouth along my jaw before moving back to claim my lips once again. His tongue swept inside my mouth for a brief moment. He gently withdrew his lips. “I love you.”
My mind reeled; my heart reached out to him. God, why had I fought it, him, this, for so long?
“I love you too.” And I meant it. I so meant it.
My body pressed down on itself as my wolf stirred to the surface, seeming prepared to break free for the first time in far too many years. I’d abused her for so long, burying her beneath the mountain of dark emotions. There were far too many things for me to regret, but not nearly enough time to dedicate to the exhausting effort.
My womb tightened to an intolerable level; my muscles stiffened, feeling like they were on the verge of cramping even as pleasure continued to shoot in tiny torrents through me. This was the same pleasure/pain combo that Jayson brought me to yesterday.
I fidgeted beneath him. I needed something more, but didn’t know what. Everything felt good, but it fell short.
“What do you need?” I was amazed at how attuned he was to me already.
“I don’t know.” I bit my bottom lip, frustration getting the best of me.
“Hold on, sweetie.” He moved both hands under and around my arms. He grabbed my shoulders. “Let go of your breasts.”
The moment I let go of myself, my pleasure began to dull. It felt like I was falling backwards instead of forwards.
He pressed his body completely against mine. He kissed the tip of my nose. “Trust me.”
I gazed at him. “Always.”
The air was knocked out of me when he began frantically pounding into my pussy. His cock hit sensitive places within me that had pleasure rocking my core; his flesh against my flesh, slithering over me as he quickly pumped in and out of me made it feel like he was all over me, filling me inside as he swallowed me outside. His hands wrapped tightly around my shoulders, creating a wall that sent me bouncing back into his every thrust.
This new position caressed my body in different ways; it sent me flying straight to the edge. It had me holding onto him for dear life as his skilled moves overwhelmed my body with pleasure, even as it clung tightly to a pressure-built pain. My body clamped down in anticipation.
Abruptly, he changed position, hammering into me at a new angle that pushed me over the edge. Fireworks burst before my eyes as my body shuddered with wave after wave of erotic pleasure. Liquid heat surged in my pussy as warmth spread through my veins.
My heart thundered loudly in my chest; my pulse doubled, echoing in my head. My pussy contracted around his cock, my womb fluttered as an army of sensations shattered me. Ripples of pleasure knocked through every layer of me as my soul soared. In the distance I heard female cries, but didn’t attach them to myself. Through my pleasure-filled fog, I felt a sting of pain that disappeared almost as soon as it made its presence known.
I clung to him, riding out the exhilarating swells of passion. Elation kissed every muscle, caressed every nerve. I never knew it could be so good. I never knew love could make me feel like this.
I heard him groan against me as his hot seed painted my cervix. His pace slowed substantially as he grunted with exaggerated thrusts. Goose bumps broke out over my flesh as an intimate pleasure sent shivers through me. I’d always imagined seeing someone at the height of pleasure, with all theirs walls crumbled on the ground around them, was the most personal, the most intimate moment to witness. It was the greatest part of themselves they could share with you.
My body tingled as the pleasure began to dissipate; bliss lingered in its place. My heart nearly split with love for Jayson.
He breathed heavily against my shoulder; his arms held his weight off of me again. He pressed a tender kiss to my flesh before he faced me.
I frowned as a brute throb shot from the spot.
“Sorry, sweetie. It’s the one and only time.” He kissed my forehead. “Unless you want mor
e love bites…” He wagged his brows.
“No!” I smacked at his chest.
He laughed. “That’s what I thought.”
“Do you want a love bite?” I cocked a brow, challenging him.
“Hell yes.” I knew my eyes widened when he tilted his head to the side. “Mark me, baby.”
He faced me again, meeting my gaze. “It’s only fair, right? You’re marked, so why shouldn’t I be?”
I tried to hold back a smile, but couldn’t. “Okay.”
God, how could I love someone so much? How could my entire family no longer matter to me as long as I had him? How did my entire existence shift to revolve around him?
He was everything I could have wanted, everything I needed. Nature did know what she was doing.
I called upon my wolf. She was lying just beneath my surface. She was shy and timid though after years of neglect, years of captivity. Perhaps that was what I regretted the most. I’d chosen food over the single most precious gift God had given me: my wolf. It was a blessing to be a werewolf. Not every one received this special bond with the beautiful animal. Not every one had the talent to communicate with wolves like us. I discarded that talent for food, an ungrateful, selfish move on my part.
I hoped she would be brave enough to breech the surface again.
Jayson watched me closely. “Down the road, our wolves will have play dates.”
I nodded in agreement. I didn’t have to tell him; somehow he just knew what we both needed. He didn’t judge, but he didn’t let me cower in the corner either.
“Let her look at me.”
I focused on him, allowing my human visual to fizzle away, blurring as if I was concentrating too hard on one object, so she could gaze into the eyes of her mate.
“Bite me,” he ordered, his tone shook with authority, claiming his place as her alpha.
Chapter 18
I tilted my head, waiting patiently for Laina’s timid wolf to stake her claim on me. It was the first step in empowering her animal. A werewolf is two persons with one shared spirit, a single soul. We’re the combination of nature’s majesty with God’s divinity. Because God gave divinity over animals to man, our wolves are typically slightly weaker.